Multiphonics CV-2 Manual

Version 2.2.0


  1. Input A Input for operand A.
  2. Not Button A Inverts operand A.
  3. Input B Input for operand B.
  4. Not Button B Inverts operand B.
  5. And Output High (10V) if A AND B is true, low (0V) otherwise.
  6. Or Output High (10V) if A OR B is true, low (0V) otherwise.
  7. Xor Output High (10V) if A XOR B is true, low (0V) otherwise.
  8. Output Not Button Inverts all output signals.


The Logic module handles boolean logic for gate signals.

Inputs A and B are the operands. They can be negated with their respective Not buttons.

A high input signal (above 2V) is true, and a low input signal (below 2V) is false.

There are 3 operators, each with its own output: And, Or and Xor. If the result of an operation is true, its output will be high (10V). If it is false, its output will be low (0V).

The outputs can be inverted with the bottom Not button, in which case the operators respectively become NAND, NOR and XNOR.

The green LEDs show the corresponding boolean values (lit for true, unlit for false). The red LEDs show whether the corresponding Not function is active.

Truth Table

This truth table shows all possible module outputs given all possible inputs.

false false false false false true true true
false true false true true true false false
true false false true true true false false
true true true true false false false true

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