Multiphonics CV-2 Manual

Version 2.2.0


  1. Oscilloscope Display Shows waveform of the signal connected to In.
  2. Time Base Knob Sets the horizontal scaling of the display.
  3. Trigger Level Knob Sets the voltage threshold for the synchronization trigger signal.
  4. Trigger Slope Switch Sets whether the display will synchronize when the trigger crosses the threshold on a descending or ascending slope.
  5. Trigger Input When the connected signal crosses the chosen threshold, a new display frame is recorded. Normalled to the signal input.
  6. Signal Input Signal for which the waveform will be displayed.
  7. Vertical Scaling Knob Sets the vertical scaling of the display. When centered, the display will be from -10V to +10V.


The µScope is a tiny oscilloscope module designed to provide insight on the signal flow of your patch, or to give you something nice to look at while the patch plays.


Simple Periodic Signals

An oscilloscope works best for relatively simple periodic signals, like the output of a .

  • Connect the signal you want to look at into the In jack.

  • Set the Time Base (horizontal scaling) to an appropriate value for the signal.

  • Set the vertical scaling (knob next to the input) to an appropriate value for the signal. The voltage represented by the top line of the display is shown in the top-right corner.

You can change how the display will synchronize to the signal using the Trigger settings:

  • The Trigger Level knob sets the voltage at which the display will be synchronized. The level appears as an orange dotted line on the display.

  • The Trigger Slope switch sets whether the display will be synchronized when the signal crosses the level while going up or down.

Sine wave synchronized at -2V, when going up (left) and down (right)

Complex Periodic Signals

If the signal crosses all possible trigger levels more than once per period, then the display will not be stable. In that case, the µScope can be synchronized with an external trigger signal:

  • If the patch contains an plain oscillator known to run at the signal’s fundamental frequency, connect it to the Trig input on the µScope.

  • If the patch doesn’t have any plain oscillator at the right frequency, add a Classic VCO, connect it to the Trig input on the µScope, and slowly adjust its frequency until the displayed waveform is stable.

Complex FM waveform with external trigger synchronization

When using an oscillator as an external trigger for the µScope, try using a triangle wave as the source. That way, it will be possible to shift the waveform display horizontally using the Trigger Level.

Roll Mode

When Time Base is set to above 500 millisecond (or below 2 Hz), the oscilloscope will enter roll mode. It will stop synchronizing to the trigger signal, and will allow the waveform to scroll horizontally at a slower rate. This shows the evolution of the signal over a long time span. It can be used to analyze CV signals like slow LFOs or envelopes, or to see the overall amplitude of an audio signal.

In this mode, the Trigger settings are ignored.

Roll mode showing a VCO amplitude's modulated by a triangle LFO

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