Multiphonics CV-2 Manual

Version 2.2.0


  1. Crossfade Knob Gradually switch between the first and last connected inputs.
  2. Audio Modulation Input Audio-rate modulation input for crossfade.
  3. Step Trig Input Trigger input to immediately switch to the next input.
  4. Reset Input Trigger input to immediately switch to the first input.
  5. Crossfade Curve Selector Choose between one of the four crossfade curves: linear (-6 dB center), constant power (-3 dB center), full-scale (0 dB center) or quantized (instant switch).
  6. Crossfader Inputs Four pairs of stereo inputs. Crossfader will operate between input 1 and the highest-numbered connected input.
  7. Crossfader Outputs Crossfaded mix of the input pairs indicated by the LEDs (stereo).


A crossfader is used to seamlessly switch between two signals. The Multiphonics Crossfader module goes further, by supporting crossfading between up to 4 input signals.

This module can also be used to instantaneously switch between signals, either with the Step Trig input (see the Sequential Switch section below) or with the Crossfade knob in quantized mode (see the Crossfade Curve section below).

This is a stereo module where each input and output pair represent the left and right signals. In a mono patch, only connect to the left side jack.

In Depth

Input Range

The crossfader can switch between 2, 3 or 4 different input signals, depending on the input connections.

  • When In 3 and In 4 are unused, the module will switch between In 1 and In 2.

  • When In 3 is used but In 4 is unused, the module will switch between In 1, In 2 and In 3.

  • When In 4 is used, the module will switch between In 1, In 2, In 3 and In 4.

Crossfade Curve

When crossfading between two inputs, the relative level of the two signals can be adjusted with the Crossfade Curve selector. From left to right, the options are:

  • Linear (-6 dB center): the volume between the first and second signals change linearly. This is good for CV signals, and for strongly correlated audio signals. Try this if you hear a volume swell when in-between two inputs.

  • Constant Power (-3 dB center): the volume of the first signal drops slowly at first and then more quickly, while the volume of the second signal rises quickly at first and then slowly. This is usually the best choice when crossfading between two different audio signals. Try this if you hear a volume dip when in-between two inputs.

  • Full-scale (0 dB center): the volume of the first signal remains constant while the volume of the second signal rises linearly to its full volume, after which the volume of the first signal drops linearly. This is used to gradually bring in the second signal without ducking down the first.

  • Quantized: the inputs change instantly; there is no crossfading effect.

Audio-rate Modulation

In addition to modulation by LFOs or envelopes, this crossfader can be modulated by any audio-rate signal connected to the Audio modulation input. Audio-rate modulation can create interesting effects similar to ring modulation.

The best crossfade curve for audio-rate modulation is linear, but it also works in constant power or full-scale mode. In quantize mode, the change between inputs is rate-limited internally, which makes audio-rate modulation less interesting.

Step Trig & Reset

When a trigger, gate or clock signal is detected on the Step Trig input, the module will automatically jump to the next input. When the last input is selected and the Step Trig input is triggered, it jumps back to the first input. This allows the module to be used as a sequential switch.

The Reset input works the same way, but always jumps to the first input.

As soon as the Crossfade knob is touched or some modulation is applied to it, it will regain control of the currently selected input.

Steps selected with the Step Trig input are not saved in presets. That is, if you switch to the third step with the Step Trig button and you save the preset, it will not be reloaded with the third step selected; the step will be selected according to the position of the Crossfade knob.


Dry/Wet Control

A typical use of a crossfader is as a dry/wet control to choose the amount of effect to add to a signal. Connect the dry signal to input 1, connect the effect output to input 2, and adjust the dry/wet amount with the Crossfade knob.

The best crossfade curve will depend on the type of effect.

  • Linear (leftmost) is best for effects that don’t affect the signal phase, like distortions.

  • Constant power (second from left) is best for effects with pitch or phase changes: chorus, flanger, phaser…

  • Full-scale (third from left) is best for time effects like echoes or reverbs.

Oscillator Waveform Modulation

Instead of choosing a single oscillator waveform for a synth patch, connect different waveforms into the Crossfader inputs and modulate the Crossfade knob with a LFO or an envelope to continuously change the waveform while the sound is playing. This can be interesting with oscillators running at different pitches.

This works best when the crossfade curve is linear (leftmost) or constant power (second from left), depending on whether the inputs come from the same oscillator or from different detuned oscillators.

CV Selector

If you want to easily switch between different CV sources, put a Crossfader module between your CV sources and the modulation target. Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve, the best crossfade curve might be linear (leftmost) or quantized (rightmost).

Sequential Switch

A sequential switch is a module that switches between its inputs from a trigger, gate or clock signal. When the Crossfade knob’s modulations are left unconnected, the Crossfader module can be used as a sequential switch.

Connect up to 4 stereo sources to the module inputs. Then, connect a clock signal (or any trigger generator) to the Step Trig input. Every time a clock signal is detected, the module will switch to the next step. This can be used to create simple arpeggios simply by connecting four VCOs with different pitch and timbre to the inputs.

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