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Gregory Simpson


Gregory Simpson

Who is Gregory Simpson?

In the mid-1980s, composer and sound designer Gregory Simpson started Sardonic Sounds—one of the earliest 3rd-party synthesizer sound developers. For several years, Sardonic Sounds was a successful and respected provider of sound banks for many popular synths. But, by 1990, Simpson's own recording projects began to dominate his time, as did his association with cutting-edge software pioneers, Opcode Systems. That association turned into a decade-long obsession where, as Opcode’s Director of Product Design, Simpson and his team continually broke new ground in the areas of sequencing, audio recording, MIDI, plugin development, and user interface design. Simpson continued this trend when, in 2001, he co-founded Muse Research and conceived and designed Receptor, a hardware VST-player. Nowadays Simpson has come full-circle and returned to his roots—sound design.

Gregory Simpson


A few words with Gregory Simpson

We sat down with for a little chat and asked him about his sound design workflow, experience and more.

Read the interview

AAS Sound packs by Gregory Simpson

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